Twenty years, 365 days a piece, twenty four hours, every second of it. Information, more information, flying across, back and forth, to every terminal, from every terminal. Digits clicking away left, right and centre, eyes scanning across, hands dancing around, a billion lives, hooked on. Searching, like never before, twittering, louder than the loudest twitters. One last chat before crashing, one last ping before sleep. And you wake up and all that remains is this memory.
Vast deserts of naked warriors, savages killing each other, deranged men and women behaving wildly. Dark walls, zombies all around, searching for that special something, your toenails ripped apart. A catastrophe?? No wait, this is a dream. Confirmed, get back to sleep and wake up. You are in the same lounge you last slept, the computer meekly staring at you. Was there a smirk?? Did you miss it? Was your dream better? Yes, in a probabilistic sense.
Evolution, they say takes its toll on many things. What goes unnoticed is the havoc of evolution on a smaller scale, in a smaller time scale. Making egoists out of intellects, drawing out the beasts out of morons. Evolution towards what? Evolution towards self centerism? No, they say its evolution towards better internet usage, or so we are made to believe. But unbeknownst to us, deep down brews a hint of egoistic tendencies. Scares you when you are pulled in the vortex. Scares you when there isn't an escape pre planned. Scares you when it is all not a dream. Yes, you definitely want to get out it. Or do you?
Evolution teaches you to block people on gtalk. Feign not receiving messages and attribute it to connection problems. Evolution coaxes you to hide people on facebook. It often makes you a hero, That DC motor you connected to that old battery, those repeated trips to the electronic hardware store (just because you didnt know what to get the first time), those animated discussions all made you a 'geek' already. Now live up to it, show a moving toy to your friends in the basic sciences, post pictures of it on facebook, makes you a certified lifetime geek.
Deny evolution? Wonderful. No way it can explain the moronic youtube comments, comments that are totally unwarranted and uncorrelated to the video at hand. Comments on the anatomy of the scientist's daughter in an otherwise perfectly historical and scientific documentary of a great legend. Trivialities eulogized, mediocrity worshiped. Old hackneyed jokes, the same that appeared in your email for the 23rd time in the last 6 years, the same crushed hand of the baby girl that you will help get operated, the same kid of the parents victim to international terrorism, the same awesome unbelievable photos, the same clandestine 'private' messages that 'you have not answered to' in the past, the same millionaires of the world who went on to Forbes list by forwarding emails from AOL and Microsoft, bothered enough? Only if there was a internet suicide pill, pop one in, and you can never use the net again. They dont make it, do they? Homicide charges are pretty strict they say. No one escapes the law. But the rule doesn't apply to fishes, farms, friends of the day and of course Mystic Meg is definitely above the law! State vs Mystic Meg? Naah, who made these laws anyway?
There is a Nigerian out there waiting to scam you every ten seconds. The eleven digit figure you won in a draw, the dead rich businessman's naive daughter, that little pill that just has you jumping like a horse, all too well documented by Socrates. Plato even had a revised edition. But no, we are not interested, who listens to the Greeks anyway? They speak Greek. The donation of email passwords to those websites never ceases, just when you thought you blocked the last of those sites, comes another one. Javascripts don't have any mercy either. They do awesome stuff alright, make tomatoes fly, wiggle up your screen as if you had weed, gives you cool themes and can even get you to remember that lady you met last night. But didn't anyone tell you it can also take over your profile? Advertise a one night rendezvous with your sibling? If the English were to go on their conquest again, all they'd have to do is ask us to try out a new Javascript, and we'd be all too happy to do that, wont we? Damn you. No, damn you. Yeah! D-A-M-N you.
[ Author's note: On a completely unrelated note, voice overs are great!. Totally in awe of this aspect of film making. Have your character talk out, talk to you, subjectively, related or random talk. Then you watch the movie from a first person's point of view, blurring the lines between diegesis and non diegesis. You, are the character, makes you think like one. Scorsese, Coens, Soderbergs and to some extent Wes Anderson and Fincher, experts at it. The art of film making is getting more enticing by the day.]