Look, here was a man who had in himself the uninhibited childlike enthusiasm of Kalam and the immense love and dedication for his work. He was almost jumping on the stage with enthusiasm. Not to forget his wit
Getting back, why did CNR in the first place lash out against IT? Well, he didn't want people to work like machines. Yes, IT work is mood off work, you agree it or not. This is good enough for any guy[or gal as the case may be] to loathe it. Never mind, I myself might end up in one such job sometime down the lane. I might still vouch for the authenticity of this piece, even then. But as for now, CNR earned one more fan and probably many many more. After all, all the hype of him being the most revered scientist in India isn't bogus at all!Publishing papers is a harmless racket, it doesn't kill like the virus in Bengal. When I was in Belgrade airport, a man walks up to me and asks, there was a paper somewhere in 60s by a Rao, is it your father?- although he didn't ask, he must have assumed that Rao is dead already. There was student of mine who was worse, but later he became terrible.
By the way, all Prtyaksha volunteers, don't punch me in the face next time you meet me. I actually found time to write this piece!