Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life 101

There are only two ways in life, the one you are treading, and the other you regret not treading. And life goes on .....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Innerwear over Dhoti.... Up up and away.....

Having a Gult converted to Kannadiga converted to Tamilian (okk! to be fair enough to all states .. soon to be Keralite) as a roommate has its fair share of advantages apart from the fact that he can curse you in n! different languages and you can still stand grinning there not understanding a single word.

Right now we three roommates stay in three different rooms and coincidentally I happen to be at the end of the laughter propagation chain. The moment I hear a hysterical laughter piercing the silence two rooms away, I buckle up for the things to come, flex my facial muscles and get ready. Around 30 seconds later, a stifled conscious laugh a room away, and then I know its my turn.

For a kid who grew up on generous doses of Dr. Vishnuvardhan and Dr. Raj who rarely tested the sensibilities of the kannada audience save for an occasional jump from a 50 feet building or swimming across the Cauvery during a heavy flood, my generous roomie introduced me to the wondeful world of Telugu and Tamil superheroes. I always thought those stories about Captain and Rajanikanth were fake and pseudo stuff created by overzealous and jealous teenagers. But now, I take pleasure in introducing them to all you innocent people whose brains have never been tested to such extremes.

For starters, Balayya with his superhuman powers.

All you kids attempting wheely on your 180cc bike. Grow up. Rise to the occasion (with your tractor)!!

Get your horse to fall on its back, generate great momentum pulling the reins and you are all set to slide with it. Slide, slide and away.......

Ever heard of the LBR? The Large Bullet Reflector. Breakthrough....truly!

For the benefit of those that are still on their chairs or aren't on their way to the hospital, you can dare see this and this.

And for those of you who repeatedly asked for the past few months and those who didnt ask too, n! is a strange number and I love it. For those who think small, say 10, then 10! would be a big number (for their understanding) and for those that think big, say 10000, then 10000! is anyway a huge number. So I prefer n! to n in most of my conversation.

How boring can this get?? Aaargh....... shut up! [Gunshot] Enna pairu Gardheek Vengadesh, My brain is wrapped up in SBR ... hahahaha.....Jai Chennakesava, Jai Chennakesava....